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2nd Day of Education Accountability Summit Conveys Vision for State Standards and Assessments

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


2nd Day of Education Accountability Summit Conveys Vision for State Standards and Assessments

Clearwater, Fla. - The second day of the Education Accountability Summit, initiated by Governor Rick Scott and led by Commissioner of Education Pam Stewart, focused on leading summit participants in discussions to agree on vision statements for State Standards and State Assessments. The vision statements the summit participants agreed upon are included below. The summit plans to continue discussing School Grades and Teacher Accountability in the third day of the summit, Wednesday, August 28, 2013.

Governor Rick Scott said, "Discussing the future of our state standards and state assessments is a critical part of charting our path forward in strengthening our education system to best prepare students for college and career. I appreciate the time all summit participants dedicated to today's important discussion. We want the benefit of a healthy discussion on these topics, with input from all perspectives, and that is exactly what the summit is doing."

Vision Statement: State Standards

Florida's standards should be rigorous, focused and deep, incorporating critical thinking and application skills. Standards should prepare our students for college and careers in order to be competitive globally.

Vision Statement: State Standard Assessments

State assessments should cost effectively align with state standards, provide cross state comparability, and produce accurate timely results. The results should be used in accountability and teacher evaluations in a clear, fair and timely manner and should assist our teachers and parents to personalize instruction.

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