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Governor Recognizes Florida College System In "State of the State" Address

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

DOE Press Office 850-245-0413

Governor Recognizes Florida College System In "State of the State" Address

- Praises colleges for meeting $10K degree challenge -

Tallahassee, Fla., March 5, 2013 - Today, Governor Rick Scott recognized the Florida College System (FCS) during his "State of the State" address in Tallahassee. The governor praised the system for accepting his challenge to work to develop quality bachelor's degree programs costing students no more than $10,000.

FCS Chancellor Randy Hanna was on hand during the recognition. "I commend our colleges for accepting the challenge to work to develop select high-quality bachelor's degree programs costing students $10,000 or less," said Chancellor Hanna. "We are proud of the governor's recognition and will continue to offer students access to high-quality and affordable education and job training."

In November 2012, Governor Scott issued his $10,000 degree challenge to Florida's state colleges. The challenge to the colleges was clear: work to develop programs costing students no more than $10,000 that lead to good jobs. All 23 bachelor's degree-granting colleges have accepted the challenge and expressed support for the governor's commitment to affordability.

"The Florida College System strives to be the national leader in college and career readiness, success and completion, access and affordability, and accountability," said Broward College President David Armstrong. "It is an honor to be recognized by Governor Scott for our commitment to affordability and high-quality educational opportunities that help students get jobs. All 28 of our colleges are national leaders in one or more of these areas and we are honored to be recognized as a representative of our state system."

Hanna added that the college system would be working with the legislature during the session to obtain the approvals that will help meet workforce demands.

Links to Governor Scott's State of the State Address and information pertaining to it are available below.

2013 State of the State Address Biographies of 2013 Guests of Governor Scott
Creating Jobs for Florida Families Information
Building Up Florida Manufacturing Information

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