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Florida Schools and Families Celebrate “Dads Take Your Child to School Day”

September 26, 2018

FDOE Press Office

Florida Schools and Families Celebrate “Dads Take Your Child to School Day”
~ Initiative aims to encourage fathers to get more involved in their child’s school ~

Gainesville, Fla., September 26, 2018 – Today, K-12 Public Schools Chancellor Hershel Lyons and NFL Hall of Fame Coach Tony Dungy celebrated the fourth annual statewide “Dads Take Your Child to School Day” at Norton Elementary School in Gainesville. 

“As a former teacher and principal, I know personally how important it is for families to be involved in their students’ education,” said Commissioner Stewart. “’Dads Take Your Child to School Day’ is a terrific way for dads, granddads, uncles and other male figures to gain a deeper understanding of their critical role in our schools. I hope that all Florida fathers and male role models will continue to engage actively in their child’s education experience throughout the school year.”

Chancellor Lyons conceptualized the “Dads Take Your Child to School Day” idea when he was an assistant superintendent in Alachua County with the vision of fathers and father figures taking their student to school and learning how significant their presence is in their children’s schools. He expanded the initiative when he joined the Florida Department of Education in 2015. 

“I want to thank Norton Elementary School and Alachua County Schools for hosting the ‘Dads Take Your Child to School Day’ event today,” said Chancellor Lyons. “It is vitally important that fathers and father figures participate in their child’s education. I know from personal experience that having a positive male role model makes a world of difference to a child.”

Research shows that when fathers and father figures are involved in a child’s education, children perform better academically, have fewer discipline problems and become more responsible adults.

“All fathers need to be active and available in their kid’s lives,” said Dungy. “That includes being present at their school. ‘Dads Take Your Child to School Day’ is a great opportunity to inspire them and create great memories just like we do at All Pro Dad’s Day.”

For more information about the program, please visit Dads Take Your Child to School Day.

To view a short video on the importance of fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, foster fathers and other male role models in a child’s education, visit

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