September 13, 2017 - Meeting Agenda
State Board of Education Amended Agenda
Marva Johnson, Chair
Andy Tuck, Vice Chair
Gary Chartrand
Ben Gibson
Tom Grady
Rebecca Fishman Lipsey
Michael Olenick
September 13, 2017
Due to the impending impact of Hurricane Irma and potential damage throughout Florida, the meeting will now be held via conference call to approve the budget and the consent items.
Call in number: 1-877-364-0940
Passcode: 852 965 78#
9:00 a.m. Call to Order
Chair Marva Johnson
Minutes of July 17 and August 16 Meetings
Florida College System – President Murdaugh, on behalf of the Council of PresidentsK-12 Public Schools – Representative on behalf of the Florida Association of District School Superintendents
Action Items
Review of Turnaround Option Plan for Alachua CountyReview of Turnaround Option Plan for Hamilton CountyApproval of District Turnaround Option Plans for Schools Implementing Year 1 in 2017-18Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-6.0781, Procedures for Appealing a District School Board Decision Denying Application for Charter School or High-Performing Charter SchoolSchools of Hope Program Awards for Traditional Public Schools – Whole School Transformation Model (TOP-3 applications)
Consent Items
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.094224, Uniform Assessment Calendar (PDF)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-6.0573, Industry Certification Process (PDF)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.099827, Charter School Corrective Action Plan (PDF)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-6.0982, Florida Approved Online Course Providers (PDF)
- Approval of Repeal of Rule 6A-6.0788, Notice Requirements for Performance Data (PDF)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-14.092, Textbook Affordability (PDF)
- Right of Repurchase and Release of Use Restriction; 407 SW 13th St., Gainesville, Florida (PDF)
- Right of Repurchase; 419 Fraternity Drive, Gainesville, Florida (PDF)
- Notice of Intent to Transfer, August 23, 2017 (PDF)
- Original Deed, August 19, 2003
- Communication from University of Florida, May 23, 2017
- Commitment for Title Insurance
- Proposed Deed (PDF)
- Notice of Intent to Transfer, August 23, 2017 (PDF)
- Approval of New Rules for the Postsecondary Reciprocal Distance Education Coordinating Council (PDF)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6M-8.610, Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Director Credential for Private Providers (PDF)
Concluding Remarks
Chair Marva Johnson