May 29, 2024 - Meeting Agenda
State Board of Education Agenda
Ben Gibson, Chair
Ryan Petty, Vice Chair
Monesia Brown
Esther Byrd
Grazie P. Christie
Kelly Garcia
MaryLynn Magar
May 29, 2024
Miami Dade College
Wolfson Campus
254 N.E. 4th St., Building 3,
Chapman Conference Room 3210
Miami, FL 33132
9:00 a.m. Call to Order
Chair Ben Gibson
Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioner’s Report
Commissioner Manny Diaz, Jr.
Action Items
- Ratification of FHSAA Bylaws for 2024-25 School Year (PDF)
- Proposed Bylaws (PDF)
- Florida Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) Florida Scholars Academy Plan for System of Accountability (PDF)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.09412, Course Requirements – Grades K-12 Basic and Adult Secondary Programs (PDF)
- Proposed Rule 6A-1.09412 (PDF)
- Health Education (PDF)
- Physical Education (PDF)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.0018, School Safety Requirements and Monitoring (PDF)
- Proposed Rule 6A-1.0018 (PDF)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.0019, Threat Management (PDF)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.094124, Required Instruction Planning and Reporting (PDF)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.09401, Student Performance Standards (PDF)
- Proposed Rule 6A-1.09401 (PDF)
- Social Studies, 2024 (PDF)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-7.0715, Certifications and Plans for Instructional Materials and Library Media (PDF)
- Contract between State Board of Education and SEED School of Miami, Inc (PDF)
- Seed Contract (PDF)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-10.0342, Career and Technical Education Program Performance Reporting (PDF)
- Proposed Rule 6A-10.0342 (PDF)
- Approval of New Rule 6A-14.096, Site Determined Associate in Applied Science and Associate in Science Degree Access (PDF)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-10.02413, Civic Literacy Competency (PDF)
Consent Items
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-6.0201, State of Florida High School Diplomas, as of January 1, 2014 (PDF)
- Proposed Rule 6A-6.0201 (PDF)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-6.0576, CAPE Industry Certification Funding List (PDF)
- Proposed Rule 6A-6.0576 (PDF)
- 2023-24 CAPE Industry Certification Funding List Updated (PDF)
- 2023-24 Secondary Career and Technical Education Program to Industry Certification Linkage List 2023-24 (PDF)
- Secondary Career and Technical Education Programs and Associated Courses with Dual Enrollment Course Substitution (PDF)
- FCAPE-05 (PDF)
- FCAPE-06 (PDF)
- Approval of New Rule 6A-6.0577, Career Dual Enrollment Courses for Florida Education Finance Program Calculation (PDF)
- Proposed Rule 6A-6.0577 (PDF)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-10.0352, Linking Industry to Nursing Education (LINE) Fund (PDF)
- Proposed Rule 6A-10.0352 (PDF)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-25.012, Confidentiality and Release of Consumer Information Records (PDF)
- Approval of Repeal of Rule 6M-8.601, Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rate (PDF)
- Proposed Rule 6M-8.601 (PDF)
- Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Defeasance of any Outstanding Public Education Capital Outlay Bonds and Issuance and Sale of State Board of Education Public Education Capital Outlay Refunding Bonds Series (to be determined) (PDF)
Member Comments
Chair Ben Gibson
Concluding Remarks
Chair Ben Gibson