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K-12 Private Schools
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Annual Survey

Florida statutes require the administrator of a private school with full-time enrollment of Florida resident compulsory-attendance-aged students to register the school with the DOE and report their enrollments annually. This registration is necessary for doing business as a private elementary or secondary school in Florida.

To request a school code and complete an Annual Survey, follow these steps:

  1. If you are the administrator of a new school in the state of Florida, you must request a school code (4-digit number) and password. Request School Code
  2. If you are the administrator of a private school that already has a school code (4-digit number) and you do not know your password, then you must request a password only.

    Request Password

    After receiving your school code and password via e-mail, here are the next steps:
  3. Login to the Private School Page

  4. Complete the Non-Public Schools Annual Survey
    1. Fill the form out on-line
    2. Make a copy of the form
    3. Sign and date the front page and have it notarized
    4. Mail the form to the address indicated

  5. Additional registration is required If you are interested in your private school participating in Florida’s Family Empowerment, Hope, and Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Programs.

    Requirements for Participating in State Scholarship Programs