Department of Juvenile Justice Revenue Estimate Worksheet and Instructions
If you have difficulty accessing the files below, and need this information, please contact the Office of Funding and Financial Reporting, at 850-245-0405.
- 2023-2024 Instructions (PDF)
- 2024-2025 DJJ Revenue Estimate Worksheet (Excel) (As of the 2024-25 FEFP Second Calculation)
- 2023-2024 Instructions (PDF)
- 2023-2024 DJJ Revenue Estimate Worksheet (Excel) (As of the 2023-24 FEFP Fourth Calculation)
- 2022-2023 Instructions (PDF)
- 2022-2023 DJJ Revenue Estimate Worksheet (Excel) (As of the 2022-23 FEFP Final Calculation)
- 2021-2022 Instructions (PDF)
- 2021-2022 DJJ Revenue Estimate Worksheet (Excel) (As of the 2021-22 FEFP Final Calculation)
- 2020-2021 Instructions (PDF)
- 2020-2021 DJJ Revenue Estimate Worksheet (Excel) (As of the 2020-21 Second Calculation)
- 2019-2020 Instructions (PDF)
- 2019-2020 DJJ Revenue Estimate Worksheet (Excel) (As of the 2019-20 Final Calculation)
- 2018-2019 Instructions (PDF)
- 2018-2019 DJJ Revenue Estimate Worksheet (Excel) (As of the 2018-19 Final Calculation)
- 2017-2018 Instructions (PDF)
- 2017-2018 DJJ Revenue Estimate Worksheet (Excel) (As of the 2017-18 Final Calculation)
- 2016-2017 Instructions (PDF)
- 2016-2017 DJJ Revenue Estimate Worksheet (Excel) (As of the 2016-17 Final Calculation)
- 2015-16 Instructions (PDF)
- 2015-16 DJJ Revenue Estimate Worksheet (Excel) (As of the 2015-16 FEFP Final Calculation)
- 2014-15 Instructions (PDF)
- 2014-15 DJJ Revenue Estimate Worksheet (Excel) (As of the 2014-15 FEFP Final Calculation)
Every effort has been made to ensure that these sheets are correct and pull in the correct district-appropriate data. You may use the most recent FEFP calculation to check items such as DCD, ESE Guaranteed Allocation, SAI, Safe Schools, and other allocations to see that your sheet is working properly.
This sheet calculates state and local funds from the Florida Education Finance Program generated by the FTE entered. It does not take into account the deduction of any administrative fees, “services provided” or contractual arrangements. This excel sheet is designed to assist you in estimating your state and local revenue and to promote a dialogue between providers and districts regarding funding.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Funding and Financial Reporting if you have any questions or suggestions for improvement regarding this FEFP Revenue Estimate Worksheet at 850-245-0405 or via email at
This sheet will be updated when new data is available. Please note the school year and FEFP calculation reference in the heading.