CSP Grant Trainings
2019 Charter School Conference Sessions
Maximizing Your School’s CSP Funding
This presentation guides Charter School Program (CSP) grant subrecipients through required actions that must be completed to maximize a CSP grant award. Subrecipients will learn how to prepare and submit a proposed grant budget, as well as budget amendments.
Maximizing Your School’s CSP Funding Presentation (PDF)
2021 Charter School Conference Sessions
The Charter Schools Program (CSP) Grant Amendment Process
This session will explain the budget amendment process for schools receiving grants through the Charter Schools Program (CSP). The presentation will cover both submitting amendments and how they are reviewed. Highly recommended for all CSP grant subrecipients.
Charter Schools Program (CSP) Grant Amendment Process Presentation (PDF)
The Charter Schools Program (CSP) Grant Closure Process
This presentation will guide the Charter Schools Program (CSP) grant subrecipients through the grant closure process. Highly recommended presentation for all CSP grant subrecipients.