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Teacher Education Program Graduates

Click on the statement below that best describes you to begin the "Steps to Certification."

Florida Graduates of Approved Programs

  • Graduates of Florida state-approved teacher preparation programs who have passed all three portions of the Florida Teacher Certification Examination (FTCE), will qualify for a Professional Florida Educator's Certificate.

    If the above statement describes you, then begin the "Steps to Certification" by clicking on the link below. You will apply for a Florida Professional Certificate in your program area. Be sure that your application package includes an official score report reflecting passing scores on all portions of the FTCE if taken prior to July 2002. All scores earned after July 1, 2002, are submitted electronically.

    Begin the Steps to Certification

Florida Education Majors or Minors Who Have Not Completed a State-Approved Program

  • You will begin the process by applying for a Temporary Certificate, so that you may begin teaching full-time while you complete your remaining certification requirements. Your Statement of Status of Eligibility will provide you with specific and official information about your remaining requirements for the Professional Certificate.

    If the above statement describes you, then begin the "Steps to Certification" by clicking on the link below. You will apply for a Florida Temporary Certificate in your program area.

    Begin the Steps to Certification

Out-of-state Graduates of Approved Teacher Education Programs

  • Florida accepts approved teacher preparation programs from other states for initial certification, provided that:
    • the program area is also a subject in which Florida offers certification, and
    • the training was completed at the same degree level required in Florida for that subject.

    If you are a graduate of an approved teacher preparation program from an institution located in another state, you will likely qualify for a Temporary Florida Educator's Certificate. The Temporary Certificate allows you to begin teaching full-time while you complete the certification exams for the Professional Certificate.

    If the above statement describes you, then begin the "Steps to Certification" by clicking on the link below. You will apply for a Florida Temporary Certificate in your program area.

    Want to learn more about the Temporary and Professional Certificates?
    See our Certificate Types and Requirements page.

    Need help with determining the Florida subject that matches your out-of-state program area?
    See our list of Florida certification subjects and the degree levels required for those subjects.

    Begin the Steps to Certification

Education Majors from Countries Other Than the United States

You will begin the process by applying for a Temporary Certificate, so that you may begin teaching full-time while you complete your remaining certification requirements. Your Statement of Status of Eligibility will provide you with specific and official information about your remaining requirements for the Professional Certificate.

If you completed an education program from an institution outside the United States, then begin the "Steps to Certification" by clicking on the link below. You will apply for a Florida Temporary Certificate in your program area. Special information about documenting your educational training will be found under Step 1.

Begin the Steps to Certification

Contact Educator Certification