How To Use
How to Use Released Tests
A “released” test is one …
- previously taken by students,
- no longer being used, and
- only includes scored questions.
The released materials include …
- the test questions
- the test answers, including the information in the box below, and
- the Sunshine State Standards (SSS) tested and specific content of questions
- the content difficulty of each question (low, moderate, high)
- the percent of students answering a question correctly and incorrectly
- an example of the top score for written answers
Parents and teachers SHOULD use the released tests to …
- examine examples of FCAT passages and questions and
- experience taking the FCAT as it was administered previously.
Parents and teachers should NOT use the released tests to ...
- review test content, since these released tests are based on the SSS and is no longer relevant after 2010.
- drill students on specific questions for the next year, since test questions will be different, or
- identify all of the content that might be on future tests. Other tests will use different passages and assess different skills. For example:
- A question on the mathematics test assesses the volume of a cylinder; however, future tests could assess volume of different shapes or a cylinder with different dimensions.
- Instruction on volume using only cylinders would be inappropriate.