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The Management Information Systems Advisory Taskforce (MISATFOR) meeting gathers twice a year with representatives from Florida’s 28 colleges, as well as representatives from the Division of Accountability, Research and Measurement (ARM), the Division of Florida Colleges (DFC), the Division of Career and Adult Education (CAE), and CCTCMIS.

The purpose of these meetings is to review data issues related to the required data submissions across the Florida College System databases. Data issues could be legislative changes, DOE policy changes, or data quality initiatives to provide tighter controls producing better data across the system. These meetings are designed to inform, discuss, exchange ideas and provide advice pertaining to procedures, terminology, definitions, forms and legislative changes to data and data reporting requirements used by Florida’s colleges to satisfy state and federal reporting requirements.

2024-25 MISATFOR Officers

  • Chair - Deana Waite, Florida State College At Jacksonville
  • Vice-Chair - Jamie West, College of Central Florida

Our Next Meeting

Information regarding the upcoming Fall MISATFOR meeting will be forthcoming. 


Presentation packets and minutes from prior MISATFOR meetings are available upon request.